After packing her lunch for a few weeks, she asked me to write her name and the name of her group on the front of the bag because it all got thrown in a bin when she got to camp according to age division. So I wrote "Lauren...Cubs...." and then I just couldn't stop myself as my pen went further down the bag and drew a big smiley face on the front. There. That looked better now.
When she came out to pick up her sack, she looked at the bag with a questioning smile and said, "What is THAT?" Without answering, I just threw a big ol' smiley face on me, turned her to the front door and sent her out.
Days passed. Lunches were packed. I experimented with every stick figure and form of a smiley face that I knew how to draw. And each day she'd turn the bag around on the counter to see what creation I had affixed front and center to her bag that day. And usually I got the same slightly off grin that said, "Ok Mom, I get love me....".
Just the other day she picked up yet another lunch from the kitchen on her way to camp. She stopped for a moment and said, "You know Mom, all my friends really like that you put a smiley face on the front. They think it's neat." Inwardly I heard her finish the sentence with, "And so do I."
Wow. Mission accomplished.