What a week of fun - It's certainly not hard to enjoy working retail at the book fair this week in our library. The kids' faces light up as they come in, cash in hand, ready to shop. Our Home and School Association has generously donated funds so that each child gets a free book and no one goes home empty handed- which does wonders in avoiding tears for those who are short (or nonexistent) on cash.

It's impossible not to catch the student's enthusiasm as they revel in the glee of the library-turned-shopping-mall that now holds new treasures for them to purchase.

And, for those of us who would love to one day be one of the lucky ones who wrote a book that's for sale on one of those display shelves, we get to ponder a bit and think, "Wow. How do you do
Time. Patience. Perseverance. And a whole lotta rejection letters. :)
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